Dracula Assignment

408 words - 2 pages

Dracula As Bram Stoker's greatest masterpiece, Dracula is a frighteningly descriptive novel that appeals to readers of all interests. Dracula is written as a compilation of journal entries, diary entries, letters, and excerpts from newspapers. Count Dracula is a Transylvanian nobleman who, on the eve of St. George's Day, transforms into a satanic monster with an unquenchable bloodlust. Jonathan Harker, a lawyer assigned to complete the transaction for the Count in his home relocation to London, writes daily in ...view middle of the document...

Dracula was an extremely entertaining novel due to the graphic nature involving the secret practice of vampirism. In many instances of the story, much suspense created by Bram Stoker is overwhelming. Much symbolism is used to add to the intense dramatic tone of the story, with the use of wolves, bats, fire, and heavy fog every time Dracula is near. One particular scene of the novel that reveals the talent of the author and increases interst involves an interaction between Jonathan Harker and Count Dracula. During Harker's stay at Dracula's castle, he is shaving in the bathroom and Dracula mysteriously arrives and startles Harker that results to cutting himself with the razor. Through the mirror that Harker was using to shave, he sees that Dracula has no reflection. The blood from the wound causes Dracula to lunge forth with restrain, holding back from vicitmizing a potential meal, also throwing the mirror out the window with the advice "take care how you cut yourself. It is more dangerous than you think in this country." The scene really makes the reader feel the fear of Jonathan Harker and starts off the importance of Count Dracula as a vampire. Overall, the novel stimulates all of the senses, captures interest at many points throughout, and is a great adventure for the mind.

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