“the Other” Visual Text Effectiveness Essay

614 words - 3 pages

“The Other” visual texts are an effective way for the composers to shape the notion of ‘the other’ and reject negative labels associated with it. How do Zero (2010) by Christopher Kezelos and your related text demonstrate this?
In visual texts, composers shape the notion of the other through portraying individuals who initially feel excluded but through their determination and self belief they learn to embrace their difference and reject society’s strict expectations.. Both Zero (2010) by Christopher Kezelos and my related text The man following the right path, composers depict the notion of the other who go throught society’s ignorance and judgement thir certain belifs and different values.. However through their determination and self-belief they embrace their difference and stay true to themselves and appreciate their uniqueness.
Body paragraph 1.
Individuals who have different values and beliefs of those different from the society are faced with ignorance and negative judgements from the society. The short film Zero by Christopher Kezelos explores this idea through the eponymous character continuously suffering from the negative judgement from the society for how he looks and the ignorance from the society. Similarly in my text, the right path the man showing everyone the correct path also faces ignorance judgement from the society. To begin with the zoom out scene in the classroom revealing the numbered students all pointing at zero, blaming him for something he didn’t do, conveys the the societybb does not accept him and negatively jugdges him for the type of person he is. This is similarly examined in The right path through the use of an extreme long shot where the man trying to guide the people, however the society ignores him due to his different beliefs to what the society has. Further more the film Zero portrays the idea...

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