Quantitative Research Essay Examples

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What Is Qualitative And Quantitative Research Approaches? - Denver - Essay

3096 words - 13 pages QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE APPROACHES There has been widespread debate in recent years within many of the social sciences regarding the relative merits of quantitative and qualitative strategies for research. The positions taken by individual researchers vary considerably, from those who see the two strategies as entirely separate and based on alternative views of the world, to those who are happy to mix these strategies within their research projects. For example, Bryman (1988) argued for a `best of both worlds' approach and suggested that qualitative and quantitative approaches should be combined. Hughes (1997), nevertheless, warns that such technicist solutions underestimate the VIEW DOCUMENT
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Qualitative And Quantitative Research - Grand Canyon PCN 540 - Essay

733 words - 3 pages QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH1 Qualitative and Quantitative Research Amelia Garcia Grand Canyon University:PCN-540 April 5, 2017 Qualitative and Quantitative Research In the article The Career Development of Mexican American Adolescent Women: A Test of Social Cognitive Career Theory, review of literature found inconsistencies between educational and vocational accomplishments and ambitions in Mexican American women.The investigator's chose 364 senior high school Mexican American adolescent females to support the influence of specific and social cognitive variables on vocational aspirations, objectives, stature, and traditionalism (Flores & O’Brien, 2002). The ground for the study VIEW DOCUMENT
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Critique A Quantitative Research Model - NCU 8102 - Essay

1839 words - 8 pages family relationships and 2. How does parental mediation influence children’s Internet use?” Both articles offer discussions about how technology functions within the families and researchers delve into noting parental awareness about how their children use social media and related technologies, and to what extent. Study and Design Williams and Merten used quantitative research methods and examined external data for their two-study design. The data was mostly derived from the Pew Internet and American Life Project with some sub-sampling. Lee and Chae, however, used qualitative research methods via surveys completed by children. One of the strengths noted for William and Merten’s study and VIEW DOCUMENT
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Human Value: Quantitative Or Qualitative? King Lear - Brush Highschool Honors English - ESSAY

499 words - 2 pages Zoe Thomas Ms. Fine Honors English 11 19 May 2017 Human Value: quantitative or qualitative? In the beginning of King Lear, Lear mistakenly misunderstands the meaning of human value. He had asked of his three daughters to express how much they love him. Near the end of the story Lear discovers that human values cannot be measured quantitatively. He comes through this realization through his experience with his three daughters, with the Fool and Edgar on the heath, and with Edgar and Gloucester on the road to dover. Through these three experiences Lear understands the human value is qualitative. Lear eventually realizes that human value is qualitative, yet it takes him some time to figure VIEW DOCUMENT
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Quantitive Vs Qualitative Paper - Psychology - Essay

682 words - 3 pages Methods Comparison Paper For a long time, there has been a debate among our society regarding the differences between and advantages of qualitative and quantitative methods. Although, it is not necessary to conclude which of these approaches can be described as the better one. It is important to have a thorough understanding of these methods and how they both provide significant information to psychology. Both methods have their own strengths and weaknesses to them so it is key to know when one is more helpful to figure out the information you are trying to conclude. The quantitative research method have many pros and cons to it. Some strengths of the quantitative method are that findings VIEW DOCUMENT
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Importance Of Research Findings In Counselling Work - Lvl 3 Counselling Certificate - Essay

989 words - 4 pages every practice in public health is evidence based (NHS) ad there is an expectation that every health care provided has been fully researched and there is an expectation that the service is beneficial. In looking at types of research methods, it is worth noting that in the past the most common research method used was Quantitative which suited those therapies like CBT. Quantitative research method was focused around measuring and quantifying which usual involved the use of numbers, graphs and statistics with the researcher not really part of the research but looking in from the outside. This approach to research will be challenging in Person centred counselling because it would be difficult to VIEW DOCUMENT
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C361 Evidence Matrix - Wgu/evidence Based Practice/c361 - Research Paper

354 words - 2 pages & Research/WGU Library 2017 Quantitative/ RCT 461 Patients To evaluate the effectiveness of Silicone foam dressings and Fatty acids oil spray. I C According to the researchers conclusion, in addition to prophylactic dressing to prevent pressure ulcers,there is a need for additional preventative measures intervention strategy to prevent pressure ulcers incidence. VIEW DOCUMENT
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Research Methodologies – Taco Bell Expansion To Spain

1238 words - 5 pages between international borders, not just within the United States. The objective of this research is to provide management with enough information to make the most successful decision for the company. All these methods collect either quantitative or qualitative data.There are two types of marketing research data, primary and secondary. Primary data is collected for a particular project, such as the expansion of Taco Bell into Spain. Secondary data is data that is readily available where the research was already conducted by another agency. This data might be hard to acquire, depending on what information is sought and from what country it is sought from. For Taco Bell, they could seek secondary VIEW DOCUMENT
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The Effect Of Vitamin D On Psychosis And Schizophrenia - Genesee Community College Psych 101 - 5 Page Research Brief

645 words - 3 pages of the scholarly study also referenced other research when drawing conclusions about their own research in pointing out where they could expand their research in the future or pay more specific attention to the effects of certain ethnic groups (as a factor of vitamin D levels due to melanin in the skin). The popular article rarely mentions the specific research methods used in the studies that the author is summarizing, and only calls out two: meta-analysis and cross-sectional analysis. Additionally, the author of the popular article seems to primarily concern himself with quantitative tests, such as lab result levels of patients and whether or not the patient had schizophrenia, whereas VIEW DOCUMENT
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EDUC441 Assignment 2

2198 words - 9 pages data obtained will be quantitative in nature. Considering her research purpose, the data collected might not be sufficient, and it would be unwise and difficult for the teacher to then contextualise the survey data into quasi-qualitative findings in her presentation. An effective way to avoid gathering inadequate data is to combine both qualitative and quantitative research in separate projects. For example, a verbal interview study of Year 13 students can run concurrently with the survey that she devised. The survey can also be extended to all Year 13 students Thus, the findings from both these approaches can be corroborated and she will obtain wider insight to cyber-bullying VIEW DOCUMENT
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Evaluate The Contribution Of Interview Research To Our Understanding Of Friendship. - Undergraduate Psychology - Essay

1102 words - 5 pages Free research enabled flexibility when talking to participants by being able to follow up with questions regarding interesting points that may have been raised. This exploration can gain a greater understanding of one's reasons for the act of smoking in this example rather than a quantitative method such as observation where context can be lost. An example of this comes from William Damon (1977, as cited by Brownlow, 2012) who conducted interviews on children between 4 and 9 into their understanding of things like gender roles and their feelings towards their peers. Damon (1977) and Bigelow and La Gaipa (1975) both touched on these same issues but using this different method. Damon (1977) found that VIEW DOCUMENT
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UNIT 22 Marketing Unit For Btec - Year 13 A Level - Aaignment

2742 words - 11 pages what the customers would want in a product (this could also be the gap in the market), JD sports could take the constructive feedback- using methods of primary research, e.g. a survey, and form it into a product favored by customers- this would lead to an increase in revenue. Marketing research at JD sports In this section, I will be investigating the primary and secondary research techniques and also look at the qualitative and quantitative research techniques which JD sports apply to their business. Marketing research is the way JD Sports finds out about the performance of its customers and competitors. With all this evidence and research, they use it to ensure that their advertising VIEW DOCUMENT
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A Comparison Of Four Research Papers To Understand The Methodology To Research Techniques - Construction Management - Assignment

2972 words - 12 pages research conducted. Through the use of available literature, the four research papers were analysed and critiqued in terms of content, and structure. It was discovered that depending on the research matter, it was important to take a quantitative and a qualitative approach towards the research made. In addition, it was determined that to make their papers more inclusive, the authors used a simple, and clear language in order to present their findings. It was also determined that the author’s emphasis of a section of their paper indicates the importance of that section to the idea that the author tries to present. However, the study of these four research papers is not sufficient in understanding VIEW DOCUMENT
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Evidence Based Practice - Task 1 - Research Paper

1391 words - 6 pages EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE Evidence Based Practice and Applied Nursing Research Task 1 -XAP1-0219 Quantitative Article: The effect of Aloe Vera gel on prevention of pressure ulcers in patients hospitalized in the orthopedic wards: a randomized triple-blind clinical trial Background or Introduction (A1) The aim of the study is to explore how effective Aloe Vera would be in the prevention of pressure ulcers in a patient admitted to the orthopedic unit. Based on several studies there is evidence to prove that components in aloe vera play a part in healing and reduction of inflammation, so these researchers wanted to see if there would be some effect on pressure ulcers also. Review VIEW DOCUMENT
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Research Design And Dissertation

2406 words - 10 pages Research Design and Dissertation (BUS9026M) Assessment 1: Qualitative or Quantitative Research Report Report A: a qualitative research report (based on peer interviewing) or Report B: a quantitative research report (based on an analysis of an existing SPSS dataset). The word count for this element of this assessment will be up to 3, 000 words. This assignment accounts for 90% of the module mark. There are no credits attached to this module, so the overall module will be assessed on a pass/fail basis. In marking these, however, tutors will assess against specific criteria, and allocations of marks are given below to guide the students about the expectations for each section. Both VIEW DOCUMENT
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What Are Some Recommendations For Continuing HIV Research And Scientific Investigative Processes?

586 words - 3 pages enhanced funding of the Ryan White CARE Act and reform of the Medicaid program to include people in earlier stages of HIV disease.Theoretical and methodological research paradigms should be expanded wherever possible to incorporate multiple quantitative and qualitative methods. Methodological choices must be based upon the research question(s) under study, but such choices can be strengthened by triangulation; that is, the sequential or concurrent use of qualitative methods will inevitably improve the validity and confidence in research findings and their implications for prevention.Ensure that research applications that utilize behavioral and social science theories and methodologies receive VIEW DOCUMENT
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Is Political Science Research Relevant?

3071 words - 13 pages Political Science research has clearly been relevant and instrumental in understanding the interactions of humans and the world at large. Through analysis and normative change, it has contributed significantly to areas such as political behaviour, comparative politics and international relations. In using qualitative and quantitative tools, political science has increased its relevance through institutions and policies that create change and seek to understand human action. Whilst traditionally this relevance cannot be negated, a deeper analysis into the sub-discipline of gender and politics, highlights inconsistencies with political science research in its current form continuing to be of VIEW DOCUMENT
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Recording Observations Of Couple Shopping At Walmart - Research

600 words - 3 pages The observational study "Do Tangible User Interfaces promote social behavior during free play? A Comparison of autistic and typically developing children playing with passive and digital construction toys" conducted by Gill Althia Francisa, the primary investigator, along with e al., of this applied research study. The objective of this observational study used quantitative and empirical methods to argue that the use of digital technology, whether it is passive or digital construction toys, does not inherently cause social isolation in male and female children (birth-12 years), school-age (6-12 years) or adolescence (13-17 years) with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in comparison VIEW DOCUMENT
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AP Summer Reading Aria Questions - AP LANG ALHAMBRA - Aria Questions

456 words - 2 pages his own experience and opinions, but without quantitative data from research or the views of experts. How convincing is he? a. Do you think more formal evidence would have strengthened his argument? Explain. 12. Rodriguez draws the following analogy in paragraph 58: “Just as Spanish would have been a dangerous language for me to have used at the start of my education, so black English would be a dangerous language to use in the schooling of teenagers for whom it reinforces feelings of public separateness.” a. Define analogy b. Do you find this analogy convincing? Why or why not? 13. What is Rodriguez’s argument for bilingual education? Is he for or against it? Explain. VIEW DOCUMENT
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Around The World The World In A Blink Of Eye. - NJIT HUM102 - Research Paper

2521 words - 11 pages qualitative and causal-comparative approaches. The qualitative research is an exploratory type of research which helps offer more insights into an existing problem. This helps the researcher to come up with a hypothesis, important for coming up with a quantitative research. This method is ideal when conducting a research involving a small group of people. It is also possible to use this method alongside other methods such as observations and interviews (Bulmer 13). The mixed approach is ideal because it results in a large amount of data that leads to an increased validity of the results. Sampling Population refers to a collection of individuals sharing a similar trait and remains to be the VIEW DOCUMENT