6 Open Source Resources To Help You Get More Done

by Ostatic Staff - Mar. 24, 2010

Among open source applications, there are an increasing number that focus on boosting productivity. Pervasive themes throughout the world of technology--such as collaboration online--are heavily influencing that. Open source tools focused on productivity include useful Firefox extensions such as iMacros (which lets you record repetitive, multi-step tasks and then execute them with one click) and full-blown collaboration platforms. Here, you'll find our updated list of six productivity enhancement tools. Everything found here is free.

Using iMacros for Firefox: A Visual, Step-By-Step Tour. This visual tutorial on how to use the iMacros Firefox extension has been one of our most popular posts on OStatic. If you don't use iMacros to automate repetitive tasks, you should. Also check out these online demos of iMacros for getting a sense of how powerful it is.

Collanos Workspace for Team Collaboration. If you collaborate with teams of people, you may know of enterprise collaboration tools like MindTouch Deki and Kablink. These are great solutions, but for a consumer-oriented option, Collanos Workplace is a great choice. Check out Lisa's review here.

OpenGoo: An Open Source Answer To Google Apps. Among productivity applications, you may already use Google Apps, but for an open source equivalent that lets you completely control your data and customize your apps, try OpenGoo. Lisa reviewed it here.

Free Collaboration Tools. While they're free and not from the open source world, you may want to check out our sister site GigaOM's collection of 10 unsung collaboration resources. These can have a pronounced impact on your productivity.

5 Useful Guides to More Free Tools Than You Can Shake A Stick At. On a regular basis, we at OStatic round up our best collections of open source resources, tutorials, reviews and project tours. In this post you can find lots of productivity enhancement applications, as well as free books and tutorials on open source tools.

Four Open Source Mind Mapping Apps to Keep You Focused. Mind mapping tools are among the closest allies of skilled project managemers. Some people believe the learning curve is too steep for these applications, but they are in fact easy to get going with. Lisa covers four of the best mind mapping tools here.