Munich Is Just the Latest City to Standardize on LibreOffice

by Ostatic Staff - Oct. 22, 2012

The LibreOffice open source suite of applications is gaining remarkable traction in Europe. Recently, France's Prime Minister called for adoption of the suite by government bodies, and now the city of Munich is embarking on a migration. "The Document Foundation announces that the German city of Munich is migrating to LibreOffice following a growing trend of migrations and adoptions worldwide," says an online post.

The post also details where other migrations to the open source suite are going on. The sites include Danish hospitals, city councils in Italy, Spain and Ireland, and many other locations.

What's really significant is that all of these migrations are taking place only two years after LibreOffice launched. If you focus on government offices in Europe, in particular, LibreOffice looks like it will become a widespread standard. The application suite's community has been steadily getting rid of bugs, and it feels mature at this point. Now it just remains to be seen whether governments around the world will follow Europe's lead in adopting LibreOffice.

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