New Artist Themes for Google Chrome Are Super Slick

by Ostatic Staff - Oct. 05, 2009

Many of us spend more time in our browsers than we do with a lot of the most important people in their lives, so why not opt for a browser that is easy on the eyes? Today, Google has announced its new Artist Themes collection for the Chrome browser. While browser themes are nothing new, this particular set of themes features contributions from top designers and artists, ranging from Oscar de la Renta, to Dolce & Gabana, to Porsche, to Kate Spade and even pop star Mariah Carey. Here's a peek at some of the truly stylish themes available They are eye-catching.

The new Artist Themes are featured prominently in the Chrome Themes Gallery, and you just click an "Apply theme" button (from within Chrome) to get them going. You can opt for a Dolce & Gabanna stylized look, as seen below:

Or how about this somewhat spooky Wes Craven theme?:

Google has put together a video flipbook that takes you on a tour of the new Artist Themes, found here. As browser themes go, some of these are definitely slick, and likely to draw comments from people who see them. The theme below was produced by fine artist and poster maven Yulia Brodskaya