Report: Linux, Including Ubuntu, Faring Well on the Web

by Ostatic Staff - Nov. 20, 2012

It's no secret that Linux has marched to much success on servers over the years, but not everyone knows that much of the infrastructure of the web sits on Unix and Linux platforms. Web survery frim W3Techs has compiled its latest numbers on this front, and in addition to the fact that almost a third of websites surveyed report using Linux, a surprising seven percent of respondents say that they're running Ubuntu. That includes popular sites such as, according to W3Techs.

W3Techs' numbers for Ubuntu usage reflect growth, too. Last year, the firm had only 5.5 percent of responding sites saying that they used Ubuntu., and numerous other popular sites cited Ubuntu use.

Of course, it should be noted that W3Techs' overall survey showed that 64.4 percent of reporting sites use Unix.  Unix remains a very influential platform on the Internet.

Figures from Gartner and other researchers have consistently shown that Linux is the fastest growing subsegment in the OS market, especially on servers. Who says that Linux needs to rule the desktop?