Stealth Company Datawise Makes Contributions to Kubernetes

by Ostatic Staff - Feb. 10, 2016

This year is shaping up to be a big one for container technology, and the Container Summit conference is going on this week in New York. At the event, Datawise, a stealth company developing network and storage solutions for Linux containers, announced that its contributions for container networking and storage have been accepted for the upcoming release of Kubernetes. Kubernetes, of course, is the open source container management system pioneered by Google and now supported by many leading open source vendors.

Here is more on what Datawise intends to bring to Kubernetes.

As container adoption grows from developer sandboxes to production environments, developers face challenges surrounding how to best define performance requirements of applications, while operators must deliver existing networking and storage assets to container deployments at scale. Datawise is seeking to integrate solutions to these problems with Kubernetes.

"While containers have greatly simplified the packaging of applications, they have also introduced new challenges for the data tier," said Mark Balch, Vice President of Products at Datawise. "Our contributions to Kubernetes 1.2 are a big breakthrough for how the Kubernetes community will bring the degree of networking and storage quality-of-service guarantees to the container world on bare metal that the industry has grown accustomed to with the virtual machine world."

According to the company:

"Datawise's new FlexVolume contribution to Kubernetes 1.2 enables Kubernetes to automatically configure storage based on user-defined requirements. Datawise's scheduler contribution enables the Kubernetes scheduler to place workloads in optimal locations for storage and networking performance requirements, leveraging a declarative model leveraged by developers and container administrators. Whereas Kubernetes previously scheduled pods exclusively based on CPU and memory resources, but not networking or storage -- now Kubernetes brings many more extensibility options for delivering optimal networking and storage capabilities for containerized applications, as well as more closely working with underlying infrastructure."

The Register has noted the following about Kubernetes:

"Kubernetes is a tool Google developed and used to make containerisation more useful by making it possible to manage containerised applications. As explained by Craig McLuckie, Google's point man for all things cloud, Docker is very good at helping developers to create apps running in containers. Kubernetes tries to take things further by getting code in containers to work together to deliver an application, and to help manage those containers and their joint and interlinked operations once an app goes into production."

We'll be covering more news out of Container Sumit this week. For more information on Datawise, go to: