Discuss A Similar Or Related Theme You Find In Both Arthur Miller’s Death Of A Salesman - English 3 - Essay

712 words - 3 pages

cThe Great Gatsby Characterization Essay
PROMPT: Choose a main character from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and write an analysis of their motivations. What drives this character to behave the way they do? What motivates them as a person? Analyze their words, actions, attitudes, and the way in which they are described by the narrator, then ask the question, “Why?” Use your first reading annotations and second reading character annotations! Your essay must be written in MLA style with in-text citations and a works cited page.
Use evidence from the story
Intro- Paragraph telling who this person is. “This person was the…”
Character: Nick motivation for ex. love. Organize essay by actions, speech, and descriptions. Strong examples.
Outline: In the book…by…/ What every paragraph is going to be about.
P1: Introduction: Summarize your character’s significance in the novel.
THESIS: One sentence response to the prompt
P2 Discussion 1 Topic Sentence: The type of person that Nick is and his feelings towards the other characters.
P3 Discussion 2 Topic Sentence: Nick’s motivations. What does he want out of his life?
P4 Discussion 3 Topic Sentence: How has Nick changed throughout the story.
P5: Conclusion
O: In this book “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald gives us the viewpoint from Nick’s life as he encounters many different situations with the other characters. Nick had to deal with his motivations throughout his life and that shaped him to become the person he was without him even realizing. He wanted to accomplish on being successful in his future so he relied on others to try and help him.
1. Even though they give views from different people I can tell that Nick is basically the main character. He’s significant in this novel because somehow he has an effect on everyone else. Nick just wants to fit in with the people around him. He’s interested in making money and shows respect and takes consideration towards other people e...

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