Disproving The Existence Of God - English - Essay

1809 words - 8 pages

Beyond The Obvious
Have you ever believed in something that most people don’t? As far as I can remember, I always attended church and everything I knew revolved around the beliefs of the Christian church. As I grow older, I believe that God exists through the stories in the Bible that I have read and the experiences that seem like miracles throughout my life. This is what I believe, but here’s why I'm wrong. The existence of a God hasn’t been scientifically proven, The holy scriptures that supposedly provide the only source for knowledge about God are riddled with internal inconsistencies and blatantly wrong information about the world and world history, There are so many religions out there around the world that indicate that there is a God, but there are many to pick from which is real, everything that has happened can be proven by science. Such as the evolution of human beings. God, or the existence of a higher being, is not real because there is no proof of such a being ever existed nor explained how the powers of such being work and to think that there are so many people that have a strong faith and believe with all their heart.
If one believes in God, and God exists, one will go to heaven. If you believe in God and God doesn't exist, there won't be much to lose. Actions may be right or wrong because God commands them or forbids them. However, if one does not believe in God and God exists, an eternity of damnation will be faced. The mere existence of a higher being has not been proven by any means, Just as science can explain everything by mathematics or how it works by having many scientific experiments done over and over to conclude how the internal workings of certain things work. Do you think there's a wind out there blowing the tree branches when you see a tree with its branches waving in the wind? You can't even see the wind, but what it does you could see, so you know it's there. We can use the same example with air. We know there's air all around us. Without it, we know we can't survive through science. We still don't see it, but we breathe it in and let it all out of our lungs, helping to keep us alive. There is an idea called The Pascal's Wager, created by a man named Blaise Pascal. This idea says that there is a 50 % chance that God exists and a 50 % chance that God does not exist(Hájek). If you believe in God, it brings the chance of eternal life in heaven, and if there is no God, then we do not lose or gain anything, so it makes no sense to take an opportunity in faith. Pascal's Wager is not a belief that God exists but based on an appeal to self-interest. A book called The Non-Existence of God, by Nicholas Everitt, states that, “Beyond the area of doctrine, most religions also involve an ethical and a ritual system. They aim to provide a set of rules or recipes by reference to which individuals can lead the good life, and sometimes by reference to which forms of social organization can be judged”(pg.1). This is import...

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