The Act Of Service And Responsibility - Holy Family's Values

768 words - 4 pages

The Act of Service and Responsibility Holy Family's values: family, integrity, respect, learning, vision, and service and responsibility; reflect the views and expectations of the University as a whole. However, even though these qualities are used as a descriptor for our institution, we can incorporate these values into everyday life. There is one value in particular that prevails and mirrors the rest of the values: service and responsibility. Holy Family's motto, tenor votes, best reflect the aim for service and responsibility. Teneor votis is a Greek saying that most nearly translates to, "I am bound by my responsibilities." Acting on the service to ones responsibilities is key to success. This then leaves us with the question: How is the value of service and responsibility a way of life that can be beneficial to oneself and society?

While all of Holy Family's core values being important and relevant to achieving success, the value of service and responsibility is one that reflects all of the other values as well to ultimately achieve success. Family incorporates service and responsibility since your family is considered to be the people that you would provide your service and show responsibility for. Also, by acting with service and responsibility, you then reflect your integrity and respect. Learning is displayed in the mission's statement: "The University educates individuals to become competent professionals and responsible citizens." This displays the correlation between learning and service and responsibility; once the skill of service and responsibility is learned, you then have the responsibility to educate others on the skill to keep the mission lasting. Lastly, in order to preform any sort of service, vision is essential. Without vision, there is no service to be provided. Because the value of service and responsibility is so diverse, it proves to be the most prominent.
I connect to the value of service and responsibility due to my drive to be involved and passion for being busy. As said in the mission statement, "Holy Family University incorporates its motto teneor votis ("I am bound by my responsibilities"), into curricular, co-curricular programs." In high school, I was a tri sport athlete (I played a sport ev...

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