Assignment On Why Do I Want To Be A Nurse?

402 words - 2 pages

JoAnn Witte Page 1Professor CudaENC 1101-12C02 February 2014Essay 1: DraftPeople won't remember what you said, people won't remember what you did,but people will remember how you feel. - Maya AngelouMy name is JoAnn Witte, my major is nursing, and my career goal is to be a nursepractitioner. I believe I am the best candidate for this scholarship because of my motivation,compassion, and desire to help others.Ever since my childhood I knew I wanted a career in the healthcare field. Growing up, Ispent a lot of time in clinics and hospitals because of my severe asthma. The nurses and doctorswere my heroes, administering my life-saving medication. Becoming a nurse will allow me thosebrief moments where I can step into someone's life and make a difference.My educational journey in healthcare started on a non conventional path. I studiedalternative medicine and holistic treatments. I received my associates of science in natural healthbefore enrolling into a paramedic program. During...

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