SCALE 8X Announces Call for Papers

by Ostatic Staff - Nov. 09, 2009

The organizers behind the 8th annual (SCALE) announced a call for papers this week. There are a total of five speaker tracks this year including tracks for beginners and developers, and the selection committee is looking for presenters to speak on a wide variety of topics of interest to the FOSS community. Organizers are also willing to help set up tutorials and labs for speakers who want to take a hands-on approach.

Last month, SCALE Publicity Chair Orv Beach gave OStatic readers an overview of what the SCALE chairs will be looking for when selecting papers. "There aren't hard and fast rules, but there are some things we look for. If a proposal even faintly smells of being commercial, it is rejected. That's not our focus and we provide enough other opportunities for commercial sponsors to meet our attendees. We screen the proposals strictly, but once in a while one does sneak through (the proposal misrepresents what the speaker is actually going to talk about). When it does we hear about very clearly from the audience afterwards. I'm not saying that SCALE has a speaker blacklist, but we do have long memories; speakers who violate that guideline generally won't have their submittals considered thereafter."

To ensure presentations appeal to the widest possible audience, SCALE organizers are looking for content in several areas, including:

* Kernel Internals and Enhancements
* Unix variants: Tools and Appliances
* Operating Systems for Embedded Platforms
* Virtualization
* Desktop Operating Systems
* Security and Trouble Shooting
* Linux/Unix/Windows Inter-operability
* Linux Shells
* Open Source Deployments and Experiences
* Tools for Multimedia and Gaming
* Tools for Profiling and Performance Tuning
* Open Source solutions for cloud computing and web services
* Open Source Animation Tools

Submitting a paper for consideration is an easy process. Register on the main event page, then wait for a confirmation email. Then, using the validation code you receive, simply fill out the online submission form by the December 15, 2009 deadline (submissions for more than one topic are permitted). Speakers will be chosen and notified no later than December 30, 2009.