A Study On The Imagism Translation Of Ezra Pound's The Confucian Of Odes——in The Case Of Guanju - JNU - Essay

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A Study on the Imagism Translation of Ezra Pound's the Confucian of Odes——In the Case of Guanju
暨 南 大 学
论文题目:A Study on the Imagism Translation of Ezra Pound's the Confucian of Odes——In the Case of Guanju
学 院: 翻译学院
学 系: 翻译学系
专 业: 翻译专业
课程名称: 学术论文写作
学生姓名: 孙心怡
学 号: 2015053592
指导教师: 李春
2018 年 1 月 1 日
[摘 要] 埃兹拉·庞德是美国文学史中颇具影响力的诗人和翻译家,是意象派诗歌的发起人之一,他的《诗经》译本在翻译策略和方法的运用方面匠心独具。庞德的意象主义诗学是多元文化思想冲击下的产物。他的意象主义理论强调语言的简洁,表现的客观,形容词的少用或者不用。他在译文中对意象、尤其是女子意象进行了显著的丰富与重塑,并将形、声、色糅合于一体。本文以庞德的《关雎》英译为研究对象,从顺应理论的语境顺应视角出发,深入研究庞德在《关雎》意象翻译过程中如何通过选择合适的语言,对交际语境中的心理世界、社交世界等做出顺应。领悟庞德如何用"以诗译诗"的原则去实现超越时空和语言界限的意境契合,再现诗歌翻译的意象主义的审美期待和诗性的创造。  
[关键词] 意象主义翻译;语境顺应;《关雎》
A Study on the Imagism Translation in Ezra Pound's the Confucian Odes
------In the Case of Guanju
[Abstract] Ezra Pound is an influential poet and translator in the history of American literature,  an initiator of imagism. Book of Songs translated by Pound has great originality in translational strategies and methods. Ezra Pounds imagist theory was the impetus of various cultures and ideologies. His major theories are concrete, direct, objective presentation without traditional ornaments, iamb and adjectives that don’t contribute to the presentation .  Pound’s translation is unique at many points, for instance, the enrichment of the female image in the poem and his superb exercise of skills in formal, sound and color arrangements. This thesis takes Pond’s English version of Shih ching as case study, making a deep research on how the translator adapts to essential elements in the mental world, social world in the process of image translation based on contextual adaptation. This article aims to understand how Pound used poetry principles to achieve agreement of artistic conception beyond boundaries among time, space and language, and reproduce Imagist aesthetic expectations and poetic creativity of poetic translation.
[Keywords] Imagist Translation; Guanju; Hid! Hid!; Contextual Adaption
41. Introduction
41.1 The Background and Significance of Topic
41.2 Research Method
52. Imagism Translation from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory
52.1 Adaptation Theory
52.1.1 Three Key Notions of Language Use
52.1.2 Four Angles of Adaptation
62.2 Pound's Imagism Translation and Practice
83. Analysis of Imagism Translation in Guanju
93.1 Imagism Translation Strategies in Pound's Hid! Hid!
93.1.1 Keeping the Rich Original Image
93.1.2 Recreating Image
103.2 Adaptation of Imagism Translation in Hid! Hid! to the Mental World
113.3 Adaptation of Imagism Translation in Hid! Hid! to the Social World
1. Introduction
1.1 The Background and Significance of Topic
Shih Ching, usually translated as the Book of Songs, is the earliest existing collection of Chinese poems and songs. It consists of 305 poems and songs, many of which range from the 10th to the 7th centuries BC. The book ...

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