Antigone Essay: Unwillingness To Compromise Between Antigone And Creon

1507 words - 7 pages

"Antigone" is a play written by Sophocles. It's about a king named Creon and his soon-to-be daughter-in-law Antigone. Creon is stubborn and believes that he is always right because he thinks that his word comes from the gods. On the other hand, Antigone doesn't think Creon is right in what he says, so she goes against them. They are both extremely headstrong and stuck in their ways. In the end, one of them will get hurt because they aren't willing to compromise.

Creon believes that you have to obey all of his laws because Creon thinks that the gods agree with all of his decisions. He was divinely chosen by the people, so he thinks that that was god's way of choosing him to be a leader. Since he is "the chosen one" his word and the laws he makes also come from the gods. While on the other hand, Antigone doesn't agree with Creon and will stand for what she deems right by burying her brother. Antigone does this without regret because she listens to what the gods tell her instead of what man tells her to do. Since god is higher than man. Once she breaks this law it puts Creon in a tough position because Antigone is his soon-to-be daughter-in-law, and so if he punishes her his family will be unhappy with that and turn against him but if he doesn't keep his word he won't be respected as a king. Having such high power will put you in a tough position on what comes first in your life, law, or family.

Creon made this law at the beginning of the play that you can't bury Polyneices who is Antigone's brother. Creon made this law because Polyneices was in exile for so many years and on his return back home he attempted to destroy the city and ended up killing his own brother Eteocles. On account of Eteocles fighting for his city against his brother was an honorable way to die and as a result Eteocle's death he gets a proper burial and as for his brother Polyneices he gets nothing. Creon was very clear about why Polyneices get nothing he states " he'll have no burial mound, no funeral rites, and no lament. He'll be left unburied, his body there for birds and dogs to eat, a clear reminder of his shameful fate." (Sophocles, line 233-235). Just by Creon talking about leaving his own nephews body to be eaten by animals shows how disgusted and disrespected he felt by Polyneices' actions. He wants everyone to know what the consequences are if you die without honor because having no proper burial when you die is one of the worst things. And when creon made his proclamation in front of his people he explains to them "For anyone who acts against the state its enemy, I'd never make my friend." (Sophocles, line 212-214). So everyone in the city understands that if you do anything to dishonor your city that you live in you will automatically lose your honor and be in exile.
While Antigone is very head strong she has a different view on Creon's proclamation.
She hears about what Creon said and goes to her sister Ismene to t...

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