Lord Of The Flies Comparison Piece - Year 10 - Essay

518 words - 3 pages

William Golding’s ‘Lord of the flies’ and Rod Serling’s ‘The Twilight Zone’ explores the dissolution of everyday young boys and grownup civilised, principled behaviour as they adopt themselves in a wild chaotic situation. As both of the stories progress, the boys and families change from polite friendly people eager to fix the issue at hand, to barbaric animals who have lost all intention of resolving and fixing the problem. Although civilization is presented in the beginning, the texts have a different sort of evil within, Lord of the flies ‘beast’ was an actually object, while The Twilight Zone ‘aliens’ were themselves. Nevertheless, both eventually replaced their good morals leading into a downwards spiral turning mankind into its own worst enemy.
In the beginning, The Lord of the flies and The Twilight Zone have many corresponding aspects. Many of the characters represent each other, Ralph and Steve Brand were both the figures of order. At first both are open minded while trying to control the suspicion and maintaining the peace, “Let’s not be a mob here” Steve says, while everyone was hastily making their way to Les Goodman at the first sign of suspicion. Piggy and Charlie are also very similar in many aspects, both are larger more lazy people and tend to point the finger at anyone to avoid suspicion from themselves. Although not to the same similarity as the others, Pete Van Horn and Simon both figured out the truth about the evil inside of them but were both killed ...

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