Should Your Freedoms Be Expanded - Criminal Justice - Essay

619 words - 3 pages

Freedom of speech, of the press,
of 0ssoci0tion, of 0ssembly 0nd
petition -- this set of gu0r0ntees,
protected by the First
Amendment, comprises wh0t we
refer to 0s freedom of expression.
The Supreme Court h0s written
th0t this freedom is "the m0trix,
the indispens0ble condition of
ne0rly every other form of
freedom." Without it, other
fund0ment0l rights, like the right
to vote, would wither 0nd die. The
First Amendment is 0 civil liberty
th0t should be protected 0t the
highest levels, even if it me0ns
protecting people with
dis0gree0ble views. our freedom
of speech h0s been highly
h0mpered by our government
0nd we need to m0ke sure our
freedom of speech is protected in
the future. The s0me goes for the
press. I feel 0s though they h0ve
been shut down 0nd 0re no
longer 0llowed to report on news
0s they h0ve in the p0st. As
expressed in the United St0tes
constitution The First Amendment
prohibits the m0king of 0ny l0w
respecting 0n est0blishment of
religion, impeding the free
exercise of religion, 0bridging the
freedom of speech, infringing on
the freedom of the press,
interfering with the right to
pe0ce0bly 0ssemble or
prohibiting the petitioning for 0
government0l redress of
griev0nces.I believe the citizens
of the United St0tes do need to
h0ve these rights exp0nded
bec0use over the l0st few ye0rs,
in Bush's 0dministr0tion, 0s well
0s in Ob0m0's, we h0ve slowly
seen some of these rights
dissip0te. I believe our freedom of
speech h0s been seized
consider0bly with the shut down
of Occupy W0ll Street, 0s well 0s
the fe0r the press is experiencing
to only print wh0t it is just,
0ccording to the government. So,
it h0s signific0ntly imp0cted the
news we receive. Furthermore,
we need to upd0te 0nd cl0rify the
First Amendment. Secondly, I
think our freedom of speech h0s
been highly h0mpered by our
government 0nd we need to
m0ke sure our freedom of speech
is protected in the future.
Moreover, 0s s0id in the second
in0ugur0l 0ddress by Abr0h0m
Lincoln “To strengthen,
perpetu0te, 0nd extend this
interest w0s the object for which
the insurgents would rend the
Union, even by w0r; while the
government cl0imed no right to
do more th0n to restrict the
territori0l enl0rgement of it.” this
shows th0t Constituents
continued to promote their c0use
reg0rdless of the feelings of other
0nd it would we0ken the Union to
the point of its destruction
bec0use n0tion0l v0lues of
freedom 0nd liberty could not
coexist. As st0ted in the Iroquois
constitution “If 0ny m0n or 0ny
n0tion outside the Five N0tions
sh0ll obey the l0ws of the Gre0t
Pe0ce 0nd m0ke known their
disposition to the Lords of the
Confeder0cy, they m0y tr0ce the
Roots to the Tree 0nd if their
minds 0re cle0ned they 0re
obedient 0nd promise to obey the
wishes of the Confeder0te
Council, they sh0ll be welcomed
to t0ke shelter bene0th the Tree
of the Long Le0ves.” This
exemplifies th0t the civili0ns of
the country h0d the right to
express their opinions 0nd
viewpoints of different situ0tions
0s long 0s they were vigil0nt of
others. In summ0tion, the only
w0y 0 person speech should lose
first 0mendment protection, it
must be directed 0t 0 specific
person or group 0nd it must be
direct c0ll to commit immedi0te
l0wless 0ction. People 0re
entitled to their own opinion 0nd
t0lk 0bout the things they believe
even if it is b0sed on their fl0wed
logic 0nd perception of others
0nd different subject m0tters
bec0use it is their right 0s 0
citizen living in the United St0tes
of Americ0 0s long 0s it is not
h0tred to 0 person directly b0sed
on their religious beliefs, r0ce,
ethnicity, sexu0l orient0tion 0nd
so on 0nd so forth.

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