The Black Death Cause And Effect - Terry High - Essay

725 words - 3 pages

The Black Death DBQ
Write a FULL essay on this essay prompt: “Describe the different reactions people had towards the outbreak of the Black Death”
 Document 1
 You asked how my school is doing. It is full again but the plague, which killed twenty of the boys, drove many others away and doubtless kept some others from coming to us at all.
 Schoolmaster at Deventer, Netherlands, letter, 1484AD
Document 2
 The plague and sickness in England is due to the filth in the streets and the sputum and dogs' urine clogging the rushes on the floors of the houses.
 Erasmus of Rotterdam, letter, 1512AD
Document 3
 Since the rich fled, death was principally directed towards the poor so that only a few of the workers, who had lived there in large numbers before the misfortune, were left.
 Nicolas Versoris, French author, Book of Reason, 1523AD
Document 4
 About 40 people at Casale in Western Lombardy smeared the bolts of the town gates with an ointment to spread the plague. Those who touched the gates were infected and many died. The heirs of the dead and diseased had actually paid people at Casale to smear the gates in order to obtain their inheritances more quickly.
 Johann Weyer, German physician, The Deceptions of Demons, 1583AD
Document 5 
 Whatever house the pestilence visited was immediately nailed up, and if a person died within, he had to be buried there. Many died of hunger in their own houses. Throughout the country, all the roads and highways were guarded so that a person could not pass from one place to another.
 Heinrich von Staden, Count of the Palatinate and traveler to Russia, The Land and Government of Muscovy, 1571AD
Document 6
 Gold, fire, the gallows: gold for the expense of pest houses to quarantine the diseased, the gallows to punish those who violate the health regulations and to frighten the others, and bonfires to eliminate infected things.
 Motto of Giovan Filippo, Sicilian physician of Palermo, 1576AD
Document 7
 My husband Ottavio had a malignant fever. We were sure he would die. Sister Angelica del Macchia, prioress at Crocetta, sent me a little piece of bread that had touc...

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