This Essay Is Bassicaly About How The Supreme Courts Rules In Some Cases. This Is An Honors Essay

522 words - 3 pages

The Bill of Rights have had, and still have many disagreements dealing with rights. TheSupreme Court has ruled in these types of cases. The Supreme Court has ruled in these types ofcases because the outcome of these cases are very important to the country's contribution. Also,the Bill of Rights affects all persons, such as citizens and non-citizens, which are aliens. The firstissue that will be discussed is the separation of Church and State. The second dispute that will bediscussed is the right to assemble.The first issue, the separation of Church and State, has been looked upon many times.Many people believe that Church, which is religion, and state, which is basically government,should not be put together and/or mixed with each other. If they are going to be intervened witheach other, then people are going to feel unsecured and angry if they are very religious. Thismight conflict with their beliefs. A Supreme Court case that dealt with this was Abington SchoolDistrict v. Schempp. This case was about Bible verses being read over the P.A. system in a publicschool. Several students did not wish to listen. So, the Supreme Court had decided to try thiscase. The public school belong to the state. The Bible verses belong to the Church. So. Thosetwo were not allowed to mix with each other. Therefore, the Supreme Court had declared theBible verses being read in public unconstitutional.The second dispute, the right to assemble, was abused by some people. This right, toassemble, is only allowed if the assembly created is not violent or threat full. The organizationmust be peaceful. One Supreme Court case is Schenk v. United States (1919). The Supreme haddecided to try this case. Schenk was not trying assemble any violent plots and organization.Actually, he was against crime. He distributed antiwar pamphlets to people that were drafted andabout to go to war. This was an antiwar person, though this was still seditious actions. That isillegal. He was threatening the well-being of the country, by trying to lower their guard down.So the Supreme Court had declared the handout of the pamphlets unconstitutional.So, as you can see, these can be used and abused. Still today, people are still arguingabout the "fairness" of the Bill of Rights. Some people agree with the decisions of the SupremeCourt, and some people don't. This is why some court cases take really long to conclude andreach a fair verdict.

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