What Is An American? Assignment

1385 words - 6 pages

What is an American? This question oftentimes passes through our brains as we take the best shot to think of the correct definition for a culture that is so assorted and gives the most significant prominence as one of the most influential societies in the world. What makes an American an American goes way beyond the definition in a dictionary, where the country is geographically located, or the photo of an American on a passport. These possessions only define the basic aspects of being an American. Being an American is so much more than being a citizen of the country; an American can recognize the heart of America and give reasons as to why they are living here. The American Dream shows the equality and liberty that was brought to our attention by the Founding Fathers as they wrote the Declaration of Independence and inserted the Bill of Rights so that American rights are protected. Even though there is diversity between all the races in America and all the different languages that vary, until today, what really makes an American is the common hope of Freedom, Equality, and the desire to prosper.

To live as an American, you have a chance to experience freedom. Freedom is defined as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Freedom is something that has been a strength and a struggle in many lives. There are many stories that Americans have told about their journey to freedom. One speech that I read that spoke about freedom was called "The Four Freedoms" by former President Franklin D. Roosevelt. I came across a line where he stated, " Our support goes to those who struggle to gain those rights and keep them." (47). This quote reminded me of a particular group of people who in the late 1800s were labeled as slaves. During this time, "slaves" (black people) living in the southern part of the United States did not have any rights and were controlled by white people who thought they were the superior race. However, there were people up north who saw this idea of slavery and thought to themselves, "What if everyone was free?" "What if black people had the same rights as white people?" One of the people who had questions like this was the sixteenth president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln stood by the Republican Party and began to fight against the southern states to bring peace to all and end slavery. In January of 1863, Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared ". .. all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free" This shows an example of what freedom means to me as an American because if this had not happened, I probably would not be writing this paper or even have a public education which gives me the freedom to choose what job or college I want or even better choose the career pat...

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