Blender 2.65 Arrives - Most Stable Yet

by Ostatic Staff - Dec. 12, 2012

The Blender Foundation announced Blender 2.65 recently saying stability had been their main focus this cycle. This release represents over 200 bug fixes and several new features.

One of the new features is the addition of fire to the smoke simulator, which received lots of updates and performance improvements. "Smoke can be emitted from mesh surfaces, without the need for a particle system. A smoke flow force field was added to improve interaction with other simulations. Colored smoke simulation and mixing is possible and the interaction of smoke with collision objects has been improved."

Some others include:

-- The bevel tool now includes rounding
-- Motion blur rendering, Open Shading, and anisotropic shading was added to Cycles
-- new symmetrize mesh tool was added
-- antialiased viewport drawing
-- UV texture to vertex color baking was added

Find the full log at and download here.