Windows 10 Anniversary Update Arrives for the Raspberry Pi

by Ostatic Staff - Aug. 08, 2016

As we've noted here before, when it comes to top open source stories of the past couple of years, it's clear that one of the biggest is the proliferation of tiny, inexpensive Linux-based computers at some of the smallest form factors ever seen. The diminutive, credit card-sized Raspberry Pi, which has been priced at only $25 and $35, has grabbed most of the headlines in this space, and recently came out in a new version with a more powerful 64-bit CPU, and for the first time, built-in wireless functionality. The Pi has also inspired competitors, such as the $15 Pine 64 device.

Now, on the heels of Microsoft releasing an anniversary update of Windows 10 for PCs, a version is available for the Raspberry Pi 3. Open source purists may cry foul at the idea of Windows running on the Pi, but let's keep in mind the applications that become enabled, and the Linux-to-Windows compatibility scenarios that can come to fruition.

Microsoft's Anniversary Update is for Windows 10 IoT Core, a skinny version of Windows for Raspberry Pi 3 and other comparable boards. Users can use it to develop Raspberry Pi 3- and Windows-based gadgets, drones, robots and more.

According to Microsoft, the platform offers the following enhancements, including a way of integrating with the open source Arduino platform:

  • Windows IoT Remote Client - remote into your IoT device to control and view what is displayed on your IoT device from your desktop or phone
  • Store integration - connect Windows 10 IoT Core to the store to service applications
  • NOOBS - 8GB cards now supported
  • Better Azure IoT Hub connectivity - provision your device with a device identity in the cloud
  • Shell capabilities - multiple foreground app support
  • IoTivity AllJoyn Device System Bridge
  • Arduino INO integration - work better with Arduino hardware with this command line toolkit

The platform also has a new getting started flow that can get you going easily.

Check out the complete Release Notes from Microsoft.

Other operating systems are working with the Pi now, too. Here is our post on Android integration.