"are We A Team" Case Study

2124 words - 9 pages

Synopsis/Executive Summary

Everyone in their life has worked in a team. In a team, communication plays an important role, regardless of which role you are playing. Doesn't matter whether it is a sports team or any other. Team members must trust each other. They should communicate more openly than they do in normal life. Teammates must share information and feelings with each other. According to research doing as a team is much more effective when compared to a single person doing a whole job.

The team who does better communication can finish their work more quickly and effectively than other. Even the work will also be more accurate. If the communication among the team is not good, then the team is considered useless So what has the case mentioned, and you need to relate it so insert this information here from page two: .'It seems like the old CIO trusted in the team's abilities to look after themselves. As such, he did not appear to have any accountability checks in place. It is also clearly evident that there were no specific defined goals or processes in place. As the teams were meant to look after themselves, this fostered a feeling of doing what is good for that specific team and not really aligning with the organizational goals. The team at the moment is looking for success by doing what they think is best for their progress. As a result, there is a lack of respect for other teams. The success of the two organizations is masking the apparent shortfalls within the I. T teams. The fact that the CIO agreed with almost everything the regional CIOs wanted to do led me to believe that what they were doing was indeed aligned with the organizational goals. This has led to a false sense of belief within the team that their ideas are driving progress within the organization. This has led the teams to not trust the other teams and carry on doing what they wanted to do. This has also led to communication breakdowns within the teams'.


A company or organization can only become successful when they work as a team.

Managers or human resources department of a company or organization plays a crucial role in the selection of a team. Most of them select the team members depending on members' specialized skills and bandwidths. But it's not the best way to select a team. Some members with good or strong skills need more training to become good team members or managers. Each and every team member has a different background. So, they must communicate effectively with each other. Poor communication can lead to the failure of the team.


After reading the case study "Are we a team" it is clear that there is a clear lack of structure and communication within the team. It seems like the old CIO had leadership skills but was apparently lacking management skills. While it is good to have the employees feel they have personal power, it is very essential for the leadership team to be focused on organizatio...

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