Psychotherapy Essay Examples

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Psychotherapy Used In 'A Clockwork Orange' - VCU PSYC 101 - Essay

713 words - 3 pages Diego Mcfail 4/8/19 Psychotherapy essay PSYC 101 Doctor Jeff Green Psychotherapy in A Clockwork Orange I analyzed the movie, A Clockwork Orange, to show an example of psychotherapy in film. The movie follows Alex DeLarge. A young man who is frequently participating in devious crimes such as rape and violence. The movie specifically focuses on behavior therapy which is the application of classical and operant conditioning to fix a behavior, rather than achieve some sort of moral change. The therapist used an aversion therapy called Ludovico which is an “experimental psychological conditioning technique.” They tied Alex, the main character who, down as he was forced to watch films that VIEW DOCUMENT
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Year 2 Integrative Psychotherapy - Further Education - Essay Assignment

1099 words - 5 pages EXPECTATIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS OF THOSE ATTENDING GROUP THERAPY What is group therapy? A therapy group is usually comprised of 6-8 people who meet face to face with 1 or 2 trained facilitators and talk about what is concerning them most. Members listen to each other and openly express thoughts and feelings about what someone does or says. These interactions give members an opportunity to increase understanding, try out new ways of being with others and learn more about the ways they interact. The content of the group sessions is confidential; members agree not to identify other members or their concerns outside of group. Why does group therapy work? When people learn to interact freely with VIEW DOCUMENT
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Importance Of Research Findings In Counselling Work - Lvl 3 Counselling Certificate - Essay

989 words - 4 pages to ensure that none of our agenda gets in the way of the counselling session. We are now going to allow researchers who potentially will be looking at areas of vulnerability in our clients. Tim Bond wrote some ethical guidelines for researching counselling and psychotherapy, published by the BACP, in it he raises concerns around 1.relationship between clients be researched and those doing the research 2. Discovery and construction of the new knowledge and how this information is communicated. Besides this concern I also worry about the accuracy of the research, how do we measure the performance of counsellors? Is the counselling process or modality ineffective or is it the counsellor that is VIEW DOCUMENT
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Assignment On Manic Depresion

687 words - 3 pages horrible depression which leaves you in a subhuman state of deep depression. The thoughts and expectations that were place in front of you yesterday are lost and you are left with defeat. Bipolar disorder is a cycle, that can and will continue on if not treated.There are many different treatments for bipolar disorder. The three main treatments for Bipolar disorder are Psychotherapy, Hospitalization, and Medication (Mental heath net, 1996). Psychotherapy can be used in the treatment of Bipolar disorder. The psychotherapy is mostly to get the individual suffering from bipolar disorder aware of what they are going through, and to build there coping skills. By helping them be aware of the VIEW DOCUMENT
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Essay On Methods Of Therapy

2480 words - 10 pages METHODS OF THERAPY Therapy, from a psychologist's viewpoint, has many different meanings. It can be physical or psychological, or even both. In this paper, several different aspects of therapy will be discussed. First the word therapy will be defined more clearly, and then psychotherapy and how it differs from other interactions yet is also similar. Next therapy will be examined from the Psychodynamic, Cognitive and Humanistic-Existential points of view, as well as the differences in their methods and content. I will then address Behavior therapy and some of its uses, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of Group Therapy. Finally I will look at the role of medication in treatment and VIEW DOCUMENT
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Write An Assessment- This Should Include A Complete Summary - From The School Of SW - From The Movie What's Eating Gilbert Grape

1415 words - 6 pages Final Research Assignment—Part C Kahly Spear The University of Alabama COPES question “In order to assist my client, I am posing the following COPES question: If a 22-year-old unmarried Caucasian man with psychosis associated with schizophrenia receives antipsychotic medication only or antipsychotic medication and psychosocial treatments, which will produce a greater reduction in his psychosis?” This question is evaluating antipsychotic medication only or antipsychotic medication and psychosocial treatments for greater reduction of psychosis in schizophrenics. Literature review According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness psychosocial treatments include psychotherapy VIEW DOCUMENT
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Different Treatment In Mental Health - Psychology - Essay

2318 words - 10 pages 2 Jussara Tavares I Taunton Analyse the effectiveness of a range of treatments and therapies used to treat mental health disorders - 1933 This essay will demonstrate knowledge on the basis assumptions and effectiveness of treatments and therapies for psychological disorders and recognise key research in the study of treatments. Psychoanalysis therapies are based on the approach of Freud (cited in Saul McLeod, 2018), mental health illness and the treatments. The aim of psychoanalysis therapy is to release repressed emotions and experiences, i.e., make the unconscious conscious. Freud developed psychoanalysis which is a psychotherapy method aiming to bring the unconscious and repressed VIEW DOCUMENT
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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Assignment

378 words - 2 pages personality disorder. A PTSD episode activates the fight or flight response from the sympathetic nervous system. When triggered inappropriately in PTSD, the fight or flight response can have negative social consequences such as chronic anger, violence, aggression, disassociation and an altered self-perception. These feelings many times lead to illegal behavior and incarceration.Diagnosis can be difficult because signs and symptoms vary among different people. Careful clinical interviews are used to evaluate the client's psychological status. Most treatment includes a combination of patient education, drug therapy, and psychotherapy. Studies have shown that letting someone just talk about a VIEW DOCUMENT
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Transition From Teenager Years To Adulthood - Class - Essay

1110 words - 5 pages established itself as an independent entity from adult psychiatry with its own specialist qualification (Specialist for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy) and achieved nationwide recogni-tion after the 1975 report on the situation of psychiatry in Germany (“Psychiatrie-Enquête”). In the staffing of hospitals, the regulation on staff in psychiatry takes into consideration the fact that young people always require education in addition to medical treatment. So-called "care and education ser-vices" comprise mixed teams of nurses, social care workers, educators and social pedagogues. Hospital schooling and the associated guarantee that students will have access to subsequent VIEW DOCUMENT
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Written Essay On Children Affected By Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - Psychology - Essay

732 words - 3 pages , always day dreaming, are some of the signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. About 5% of Canadian children (4-17 year old) have been diagnosed with ADHD according to a survey by Statistics Canada in 2014. Boys are more probable to have ever been diagnosed with ADHD than girls. There are various different treatments available to help children with special needs. Stimulants are the most common type of medication used to treat ADHD. Stimulants increase the dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain which play important roles in thinking and attention. If stimulants do not help, a doctor or a psychiatrist may prescribe non-stimulants which also helps to treat the disorder. Psychotherapy VIEW DOCUMENT
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Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal,” - Allan Hancock College/ English 103 - Essay Analysis

445 words - 2 pages , kidnapping, torture, or extended, traumatic, early-life medical procedures, also may develop this condition. Treatments The primary treatment for DID is long- term psychotherapy with the goal of deconstructing the different personalities and integrating them into one. Other treatments include cognitive and creative therapies. Although there are no medications that specifically treat this disorder, antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, or tranquilizers may be prescribed to help control the psychological symptoms associated with it. With proper treatment, many people who are impaired by DID experience improvement in their ability to function in their work and personal lives. Symptoms VIEW DOCUMENT
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Modern Therapy Of The Indigenous Monkeys - Social Work - Essay

921 words - 4 pages Running head: REBT and Cognitive Behavior Therapy 1 REBT and Cognitive Behavior Therapy 3 Cognitive Behavior Therapy Abe wilsom Florida International University Reflection paper Week 15 Cognitive Behavior Therapy how long it took to see progress using the psychoanalytic model, Ellis became dismayed. However, a breakthrough occurred when Ellis discovered that his clients improved faster once they changed their ways of thinking about themselves and their situations. As a result, REBT was born as a new approach to psychotherapy (Corey, 2017, p.271). REBT is considered a parent of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, but was preceded by earlier schools of thought such as Adlerianism, Psychoanalysis, and VIEW DOCUMENT
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919 words - 4 pages processing in boys with and without ADHD. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 24, 481-498.DuPaul, G. J. (2003). Assessment of ADHD symptoms: Comment on Gomez et al. (2003). Psychological Assessment, 15, 115-117.Jones, J. D. (2002). Plea for a measure of understanding: The importance of intensive psychotherapy in the treatment of children with ADHD. Psychotherapy?Research/ Practice/Training, 39, 12-20.Kagan, J. (1997). Temperament and the reactions to the unfamiliar. Child Development, 68, 139-143.Nigg, J. T. (2001). Is ADHD a disinhibitory disorder? Psychological Bulletin, 127, 571-598. VIEW DOCUMENT
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Bipolar Disorder And It's Affects - Moorestown High School - Research Paper

3622 words - 15 pages Free control symptoms. However, even with proper treatment, mood changes can occur. In the NIMH-funded Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder (STEP-BD) study—the largest treatment study ever conducted for bipolar disorder—almost half of those who recovered still had lingering symptoms. Having another mental disorder in addition to bipolar disorder increased one's chances for a relapse. Treatment is more effective if you work closely with a doctor and talk openly about your concerns and choices. An effective maintenance treatment plan usually includes a combination of medication and psychotherapy. MEDICATIONS Different types of medications can help control symptoms of bipolar VIEW DOCUMENT
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Mental Health Study Guide

1456 words - 6 pages 6. Identification 7. Intellectualization 8. Introjections 9. Projection 10. Rationalization 11. Reaction formation 12. Regression 13. Repression 14. Sublimation 15. Suppression 16. Undoing Substance Abuse: 1. What is the most therapeutic approach to take with an alcoholic patient? Therapeutic Interventions 1. Support Groups, Such as AA 2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 3. Psychotherapy 4. Medication 5. Hospitalization 2. What is signs and symptoms of alcohol/substance abuse/withdrawal? Symptoms: 1. Binges 2. Blackouts 3. Vomiting and Dehydration 4. Disorientation 5. Vulnerability to Infection and Accidents Withdrawal: 1. Delirium Tremens a VIEW DOCUMENT
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Wisconsin Hope Lab Too Distressed To Learn Summary - Psyc 330 - Summery

486 words - 2 pages . Mental health service utilization is measured with items adapted from the questionnaire used in the Healthcare for Communities Study, a national study of mental health care utilization. Regarding medication use, respondents are asked whether they took any of the most common types of psychotropic medications at least several times per week at any point in the past year. Regarding psychotherapy, respondents are asked how many visits, if any, they had in the past year for therapy or counseling for their mental or emotional health. Mental health conditions on campus clearly merit more attention, especially at the nation’s community colleges. While most research and media attention has largely VIEW DOCUMENT
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Social Anxiety Disorder Research Paper

1393 words - 6 pages people and being judged by them. They can worry for days or weeks before an event. Those suffering from SAD may have body symptoms such as blushing, heavy sweating, trembling, nausea, and a hard time talking. This fear may become so severe that it can make it hard to make and keep friends, and even interfere with work, school, and other ordinary activities. Though currently there is no cure for SAD, people can live a more normal life with known treatments with certain kinds of medications or psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).Medication merely addresses the symptoms not the root cause. Three types of medication are used; antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and beta blockers VIEW DOCUMENT
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Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy - Toronto Integral Healing Centre Of Toronto - Essay

4644 words - 19 pages Free suffering, and meditation has been viewed as a conduit of this practice for more than 2,500 years. Mindfulness and having the stability of one’s attention, enables one to settle into the current moment to the way things ‘are’ leaving the judgement and thoughts behind. When one’s attention is brought to awareness, one becomes vulnerable to the ability of expanding one’s attention to a larger picture of the self and a heightened view of one’s sense of presence to the moment. Chogyam Trungpa (1991) demonstrated how to practice mindfulness within psychotherapy which included several important steps: To settle oneself into a quiet and comfortable position followed by noticing one’s breath and bringing VIEW DOCUMENT
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Borderline Personality Disorder: A Growing Concern - University Of Central Oklahoma/sophmore - Research Paper

2578 words - 11 pages well as other variables, such as age, genetics, and environmental factors. Keywords: Borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Transference-Focused Psychotherapy, Dialectal Behavior Therapy, Supportive Psychotherapy Borderline personality disorder (BPD) constitutes one of the most important sources of long-term impairment in both treated and untreated populations (Widiger & Weissman, 1991). BPD is a prevalent, chronic, and debilitating syndrome associated with high rates of medical and psychiatric use of services (Gunderson et al. 2002). According to Skodal et al., approximately 11% of psychiatric outpatients and 19% of inpatients met the VIEW DOCUMENT
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General Psychology Study Guide - Southern - Study

1965 words - 8 pages , but the brains of people with bipolar disorder don’t do as good a job at this. What do they mean by “pruning?” 65. In the video clip on “Debunking the Myths of OCD,” what were some of the myths mentioned about “Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?” Chapter 15 – Treatment of Psychological Disorders (35 Questions) 66. What is the difference between “psychotherapy” and “pharmacotherapy” in the treatment of psychological disorders? What is a psychotropic medication? 67. What brain chemicals do psychopharmacological treatments target? NOTE: Neurotransmitter substances are discussed in Chapter 3 which was not assigned. Basically – information from our sensory organs (eyes, ears, etc.) travels through VIEW DOCUMENT