Simplenote is Now Open Source Across Platforms

by Ostatic Staff - Aug. 12, 2016

You may already be familiar with Simplenote, a lean but powerful note taking app that's cross-platform on Android, iOS, Windows and Mac. It's very popular and is a clear competitor to Evernote, allowing you to sync and share notes as well as work while offline.

Now, Automattic, the app's owner, is open sourcing the Simplenote app for iOS, Mac and Android. This could lead this cool app in new directions.

Simplenote is released under the GPLv2 license. In addition to the previously open sourced Electron app, you can now find the source code for the iOS, Android, and macOS application on Auttomatic's GitHub page.

You can get the source for each version here:

The server side intelligence behind Simplenote is not being open sourced, but this kind of app can become habit forming and it will be worth watching what the open source community can do with it. It's easier to hop in and out of than Evernote, and syncs very dependably.

By the way, if you are a Mac user, you may also want to look into Notational Velocity. It captures your notes in a way that’s very simple, and has also become very popular.