Assignment On What Should We Eat?

585 words - 3 pages

According to Michael Pollan's article entitled "Escape from the Western Diet"(2008) and Steven Shapin's article entitled "What Are You Buying When You Buy Organic?"(2006), each author constructs a criticism for what's healthy and what's not. Pollan claims the food industry is to blame because they use different nutritional theories to release new products, and that the health industry is to blame because they use theories to develop new prescriptions and treatment methods. They propose in order to fully "Escape the Western Diet" society needs to be educated on the impact of the food industry, how the medical community flatters industrial food sources, and the relationship between the human population and the environment.

Denis Burkitt revealed to introduce his theory that the only way to avoid the vicious cycle of "The Western Diet" is to "go backwards to the diet and lifestyle of our ancestors"(423) which Pollan interprets as we should be eating foods that are less processed. Although this sounds easy enough, Pollan points out that this is not as simple as it sounds and also points out that even aspects like soil condition and livestock feed make this notion a challenging task. Pollan's answer to this theory is to just eat smarter and he goes as far to propose that we are apart of the problem because we do not spend enough money or time preparation for food. Tilman, a CNN journalist, agrees with Pollan's belief; we need to stay away from The Western Diet. "Processed foods have low nutritional value," says Tilman, who describes processed food as having empty calories. "Diets low in fruit and vegetables have a strong negative health impact," he says.

Pollan makes some excellent points in his piece that tak...

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