Assignment On Agriculture Changes The World

571 words - 3 pages

Khou, TiffanyHistory, Periods 5-6November 8, 2007Agriculture Changes the WorldHave you ever wondered how people around the Old Stone Age got their food without grocery stores? Well, the earliest humans hunted and gathered their food during the Paleolithic Era (Old Stone Age). Hunting for their food caused them to migrate from place to place therefore, they were nomadic. Eventually, they began to farm, develop civilizations, and domesticate plants and animals. This event is history is called the Agricultural Revolution.Geography caused people to settle down and switch to agriculture because global warming caused the Ice Age glaciers to retreat so new lands opened up. Eventually the early humans spilled seeds and learned to domesticate pla ...view middle of the document...

The early humans were hunter-gatherers and then changed to farmers. They used to live in simple villages but, since they had settled down they constructed more complex villages that could hold several thousand people. Since the people didn't have to hunt for their food anymore they had extra time so they had surpluses of food. With their extra time, they specialized in a certain skill (specialization of labor). Their lives changed because they worked less, they could have surpluses of food to eat or trade for things they didn't have. They lived in larger groups so they could withstand attacks by nomadic bands. They lived in complex villages because they made more permanent homes so they weren't nomadic. But, there were also disadvantages such as risks of fire, disease, and floods.The beginning of civilization all began because of global warming. Global warming caused the glaciers to retreat so the lands opened up and the people explored the lands. The people weren't migrating after the animals anymore because they started agriculture. If there wasn't any global warming the development of agriculture might not have happened so the people today, wouldn't be able to farm and create all of the farming technology we have today.The people changed from hunter-gatherers to farmers because new lands opened up. The glaciers retreated because there was global warming. Today we have more technology so it is easier for us to live without farming. We also don't have to trade for things that we don't have. We earn what we have and we use money to get things we need. During the Agricultural Revolution they didn't have money, that's why they had to trade with other people to get things that they need that other people have.

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