What Influences Made You Who You Are Today - Miami Palmetto Senior High - Essay

740 words - 3 pages

Everyday, individuals from the younger, upcoming generations of this country are sucked into an addictive, materialistic lifestyle that carelessly promotes procrastination. This promotion of procrastination and materialism makes victims blind and shows them that material items are more important than family and friends when that is not at all the case.
All it took was one trip to Argentina for me to be able to relieve myself from this cultural grip and see life in a more realistic way. Life is not all about what car you drive and what community you live in even though it is painted to be that way. The generations being most affected are currently at a crucial time in their lives where they have to make important decisions regarding their future. They must be able to see through this blinding societal cloud in order for them to have their best possible future. I was able to expose myself to a nation where material items are on the bottom end of their priorities while the well being of your loved ones is superior to anything else.
If you go up to any one person in America today and asked them what they wish they could have instantly, most people would wish for things such as a higher paying job, a nicer car, the newest iPhone, and things of that nature. These ideas were embedded into our heads at a young age thanks to the materialistic culture we live in. However, if you were to ask an older, wiser, and more mentally developed person the same question they would probably give an answer such as complete health or happiness for their children and family. This is what I experienced as I was in Argentina. People care more about the wellness of others and were willing to help each other out and did not ask for anything in return. This is a higher order of thinking that if applied in the States could change the cultural direction of our nation as a whole.
When my mother was nineteen years old she was living in Argentina but she was living an unhappy life. She decided she would move...

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