Peer Scholar University Of Toronto Scharbrough - University Of Toronto - Essay

611 words - 3 pages

Peer scholar
16 personalities is a personality test that gives an accurate description of who you are and why you do those things. Its free, no register, there isn’t a sign up for “free trial method or anything. Its available in 30 languages. The test results are measured by a coefficient called Cronbach’s alpha, which basically measures whether questions belong to the same. For example, if you agree with “I like potato chips”, you’d most likely agree with “I’ve eaten a lot of potato chips” and disagree with “The smell of chips annoys me”. Alpha values are generally expected to be between 0.70 and 0.90 and after examining the 16 personality scales they confirm the assessments are reliable. The approach roots back to the early 20th century brainchild Carl Gustav Jung, the father of analytical psychology. Jung’s theory of psychological is perhaps the most influential creation in personality typology.
Validity confirms whether scales that should ne related are really not related, the maximum accepted value for this is usually considered to be around 0.70-0.80, if it’s more than that it means there is enough overlap between the two scales to invalidate them. After looking at the table you’ll notice the coefficients are well below the threshold. Observant-intuitive and judging- prospecting scales have the highest coefficient at 0.37, a slight positive relationship that has been mirrored by other instruments measuring similar concepts. So, this shows that all five scales are distinct and don’t influence each other in a way that would make us question their integrity.
This personality inventory demonstrates the Nomothetic approach, it examines personalities in large groups of people with the aim of making generalizations about personality structure, it understands the personality factors or traits, and effect certain behavior patterns. Allows psychologists to examine what type of peo...

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