What, If Anything Is New About Globalization?

1420 words - 6 pages

Globalisation, according to Albrow (1990), refers "to all those processes by which the people of the world are incorporated into a single society, a global society."The underlying processes of globalisation have been evident for some time, although they haven't made much impact on the world's economy until recently. Apart from the international trade in goods and services, which was relatively small, national economies have mainly stayed local. Now, however, it is a different story. In the past few years, the gradual processes that gave companies time to adjust have gone. The pace of globalization has increased dramatically, meaning that in probably less than twenty years; our economy w ...view middle of the document...

But they also end up getting a large dose of someone else's nationalism. This trend has been termed globalization and is generally considered a good thing. People can imagine a future without poverty and violence where almost everyone is happy and those who are not can do something about it without starting a war. The world is still far away from this utopian goal, but we are getting there slowly. I believe that one of the manifestations of globalization is the sense of a global society.Through the Internet, people all around the world can connect and make partnerships with each other. This happens every day on an extremely large scale in our globalized world. Small countries form alliances with larger ones that are thousands of miles away. For example, after WWII, Japan agreed to let the U.S. take over its naval operations. So now Japan is a technological country and America's navy protects it. Also in this exchange, Americans are exposed to Japanese culture and the Japanese are exposed to American culture. This exposure happens all over the world every day. Some people are concerned that this exposure to a different culture will greatly affect or even alter the culture of another country. Others see globalization as a simple melding of the local and the global aspects of life in every country.In the world today, global society and local society seem to have overlapping boundaries, making the lines between them very fine. People are unsure as to whether these fine lines are a problem. This is the question we must answer in order to grow in our new global society. Those who see globalization as an intrusive process, believe that globalization is a manifestation of cultural imperialism. Dezalay (1990) said that, Globalization is for the most part an Americanization. People like Dezalay believe that globalization is in fact Europeanization or Americanization, and that it threatens to overwhelm or completely bury the cultural norms and values of other countries. Chuang, in Communication and Global Society, said, "The Americanization of a global culture via technology and mass media might lead to political hegemony, cultural imperialism, and intellectual colonization, and consequently diminish local identity".Hannerz (1990) decided that world culture is not created by an overpowering and newly created system of ideals and beliefs, but through the increasing interconnection of varied local cultures. Hannerz believed that globalization caused various local cultures to mingle and create the world culture. So on the one hand, local cultures are adding up to a world culture. On the other, the word culture is stamping out the local cultures. It is a matter of opinion as to which view is correct. There are problems with both ideas. Chuang said, globalization has affected the dynamics of nation-state, local and national. He discusses how the local can be more affected than the national can by globalization. He talks about English as the world langua...

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